BANYUWANGI Ijen - Blue Fire
Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Rp. 550.000 / Org
Ijen (2445 masl) is an active volcano and also the most
compex volcano in the world. It located between the border of Banyuwangi and
Bondowoso Regency.
Ijen known wells as one of two volcano that has a rare
phenomena called Blue Fire around the world. Another one is Dallol Blue Fire in
Ethiophia, but it couldn't seen everyday as like as Ijen Blue Fire.
There's an acidic lake inside the crater, surrounded by rock
formation as the rest of the last massive erruption about 10.000 years ago. The
lake has turquoise color and very beautiful if seen from its top. Although the
lake is very beautiful, it contains lots of dangerous chemical compound, the
acidity could be reach 1 - 2 (pH 1 - 2).
Besides that there are also many traditional sulfur miners
works inside the crater to takes sulfur ores, the miners carrying their ores
through the slippery track on their shoulder with a bamboo basket. They can
lift the stuff 75 kg (150 pounds) on their shoulder, even sometimes the other
miners can do more.
1. Gandrung
Terracotta Statue
2. Kalibendo
3. Jagier
4. Tamansuruh
5. Banyuwangi City Garden
6. Baiturrahman Grand Mosque
7. Sritanjung Traditional Market
Departure : 00.00 (Blue Fire)
Detail Harga
Unit :
Car with Max. 5-8 Passangers
Lasts :
10 hours (Full Day)
Service : Pick Up & Transfer Back (Banyuwangi
Departure :
550k IDR
Per Pax (Min. 5 Pax)
Car, Driver, Petrol & Parking Fees,
Speaking English Guide + Gas Mask Rent driver's tip.
Notes :
1. .Overtime Charged 10% per hour from
total price.
2. Driver is not in charged for guiding
customer's tour at the tourist object.
3. All Prices are exclude admissions,
personal expenses and driver's tip.